100% OFF | Awesome Reporting Tools in Selenium and Appium - Udemy Coupon

100% OFF | Awesome Reporting Tools in Selenium and Appium - Udemy Coupon

Udemy Coupon - Awesome Reporting Tools in Selenium and Appium | 100% OFF

Udemy Coupon - Awesome Reporting Tools in Selenium and Appium | 100% OFF

Awesome Reporting Tools in Selenium and Appium

Rich HTML and Excel Report Generation for Selenium and Appium
Created by Business Hero

What Will I Learn?

  • After course completion, able to generate the rich, beautiful and elaborative html and excel reports for the test automation status for both Selenium and Appium.
  • Selenium Knowledge
  • Basic Java Programming Knowledge
  • Basic TestNG Unit Testing Framework Knowledge
  • Basic ANT Knowledge
  • Basic Maven Knowledge

Report generation is one of the major and important topics in test automation. It is the only evidence for the test execution status. This course majorly discuss about different types of reporting tools available for selenium and appium. According to our project and client need we can choose any one of these reports and proceed in the test automation framework design. And we can generate logs in the reports to show the step by step execution and then can add screenshots (depends on the reports feature) if there is any failure in the exeuction for better understanding of the failures.


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