100% OFF | Microsoft Excel 2016 Course for Beginners - UDEMY COUPON

100% OFF | Microsoft Excel 2016 Course for Beginners - UDEMY COUPON

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Udemy Coupon - Microsoft Excel 2016 Course for Beginners | 100% OFF

Udemy Coupon - Microsoft Excel 2016 Course for Beginners | 100% OFF

Microsoft Excel 2016 Course for Beginners

Pathway to master Excel 2016

Created by Keshav Saraogi

Preview This Course
  • 1 hour on-demand video
  • 1 Supplemental Resource
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion
What Will I Learn?
  • Build a solid understanding of the Basics of the latest Microsoft Excel 2016
  • Fluently work on the Microsoft Excel 2016 interface
  • Learn the most widely used Excel functions in the corporate environment.
  • Develop ability to use shortcuts to work more efficiently and effectively

This course assumes you've never worked with Microsoft Excel in your life, or you are upgrading from a previous version. Your professional trainer will start you from the very beginning by creating your first Workbook and entering data. Before you know it, you're using Excel 2016 like a pro with advanced functions. You will have the expertise you need to impress the boss at work. You can also use this essential application to accomplish all kinds of tasks for your personal life or business.

If most Excel courses seem to be designed for people who already have experience with the program, this course will be a breath of fresh air. The videos keep things simple and carefully step you through each process.

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