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Android Material Design Slidenerd Style, Learn to build material design apps from null to stackoverflow
Created by Vivek Ramesh
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What Will I Learn?
- Create any app in Android that uses material design
- Understand the visual and functional APIs involved in material design
- Learn which colors to use, how to use colors, styles for material design
- Work with navigation drawers, customize them as per other standard apps
- Create Floating Action Buttons with menus and use 3rd party libraries for doing the same
- Work with RecyclerViews as an alternative to ListViews, customize them, load dynamic data inside them, section them, animate their modifications, animate their visual perception when the user loads them
- Download and parse JSON
- Understand how to use Volley library for loading images and data inside your Lists
- Validate material design specifications suggested by your designer vs. what you actually build
- Understand and experiment with the Touch Event Framework in Android
- Build Ripple effects for lists and normal items on both Android Lollipop and pre-lollipop devices
- Build custom material tabs
- Using RottenTomatoes API effectively
- Making VectorDrawables and AnimatedVectorDrawables on both Android Lollipop and prelollipop devices
- Understanding how to use JobScheduler API as an alternative to IntentService + AlarmManager
- Use Swipe To Refresh pattern from Material Design
- Perform Activity Transitions, Content Transitions and Shared Element Transitions between your activities
- Perform several different types of animations with your views
- Initialize, Customize and Use the Toolbar as a replacement for the ActionBar
- Object Oriented Java
- Basics of Android (Intents/SQLite/Networking/ListViews)