Become a Growth Marketer: Learn Growth Marketing & Get a Job

Become a Growth Marketer: Learn Growth Marketing & Get a Job

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Become a Growth Marketer: Learn Growth Marketing & Get a Job

Become a Growth Marketer: Learn Growth Marketing & Get a Job, Learn the skills to start your career in Growth Marketing. 5 hours of basic, intermediate, & advanced marketing lessons

Created by Evan Kimbrell, Justin Mares

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What Will I Learn?
  • Apply basic, intermediate, & advanced growth techniques to their own campaigns or their company's
  • Understand the basics of advertising psychology & persuasion
  • Design and start their own email advertising campaign
  • Design and predict their company or product's growth trajectory
  • Apply the traction model of distribution to their own venture or firm
  • Design and run their first Google adwords campaign
  • Design and run their own Facebook ads campaign
  • Analyze other types of advertising and their suitability for each campaign
  • Understand the basics of company and product branding
  • Look for and decide between available marketing & growth positions
  • Put together a personal portfolio that will increase their likelihood of being hired
  • Use tactics for using free work to increase their exposure before applying for jobs
  • Know what to expect during interviews for marketing positions
  • Familiarity with common businesses and common business concepts is helpful, but not required
  • No knowledge of marketing is required

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