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Create the REST API in PHP Symfony Complete Class, Learn to master creating REST APIs in PHP Symfony 3.3 step-by-step, write your fully working real world API application
Created by Piotr Jura
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What Will I Learn?
- How to build a fully fledged, real world REST API Backend in Symfony 3.3 and PHP 7
- How to handle User Registration, User Profiles, Password Reset, and issued token invalidation
- File upload through the REST API
- Create a basic CRUD for resources using HTTP methods (GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE)
- Have a deep understanding of how a well built and structured API should look like
- Learn basics of Doctrine entities, repositories, relations
- See how to perform robust data validation using Symfony Validator (without Forms!)
- See how to create and use Doctrine database migrations
- Learn how to use data fixtures (fake data generators) to populate your database
- Create user authentication using JSON Web Tokens
- How to make a robust, performant APIs by leveraging cache, versioning and documenting your API
- Have some fun while coding a real project, from A to Z
- Learn about HATEOAS (Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State)
- Learn how to paginate large collections of data in the API response
- Learn how to handle advanced filtering and sorting functionality of resources