NAPLAN Practice Tests Numeracy Year 9 (Australian Exam)

NAPLAN Practice Tests Numeracy Year 9 (Australian Exam)

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NAPLAN Practice Tests Numeracy Year 9 (Australian Exam)

NAPLAN Practice Tests Numeracy Year 9 (Australian Exam), Check your Readiness for NAPLAN Numeracy year 9

Created by Tahir Yaqub

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What is NAPLAN (National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy), Australia

NAPLAN is an assessment that is conducted yearly in Australia for students of 3,5,7 and 9. NAPLAN looks for their achievement in literacy and numeracy against the national standard. Parents get a report for this test.  It is a snap-shot of your child’s education and I is an important valuable test. It is the only test which let you know how your child is growing and achieving in key areas of English and mathematics.      

This test was used to be paper-based but now NAPLAN online testing has been started in 2018. The skills tested in NAPLAN tests are essential for children to progress through school and social life. These skills are developed over time and there is no quick fix for students if they are unable to acquire these skills during their previous school years.      

By taking these practice tests, students can identify their areas of weakness and get further coaching on those areas. These NAPLAN online practice tests are designed on the similar pattern and include the curriculum of Australian year 9 students.     

Currently there is no provision in Udemy Practice test system to make sections for calculator and non-calculator. Therefore I put the questions requiring calculator in second test. Therefore the best approach for you would be:

1. Do not use calculator in test 1

2. There are few questions in test 2 which permit use of calculator, so you can use calculator in practice test 2 if required. 

But you should be able to solve almost all questions in both of the tests within the permitted time without using calculator.

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