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PHP with Laravel for beginners - Become a Master in Laravel, Learn to master Laravel to make advanced applications like the real CMS app we build on this course
Created by Edwin Diaz, Coding Faculty Solutions
Created by Edwin Diaz, Coding Faculty Solutions
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What you'll learn
What you'll learn
- Learn to build applications using laravel
- To install Laravel using Windows and MAC
- You will learn how use Laravel
- You will learn how to use routes
- You will learn how to create and use Controllers and what they are
- You will learn how to create Views an what they are
- You will learn to use the templating engine Blade
- How to connect and use Databases
- How to create migrations and what they are
- You will learn about Laravel ORM (Object Relational Mapper) and Raw SQL queries. Database stuff :)
- How to use Laravel Tinker - Command line program to play around with Laravel without persisting data
- Database: Eloquent One to One - CRUD
- Database: Eloquent One to Many - CRUD
- Database: Eloquent Many to Many - CRUD
- Database: Eloquent Polymorphic - CRUD
- Form Validation
- You will learn to download third party libraries to add to Laravel
- You will learn to upload files
- You will learn about Middleware and security
- You will learn about sesssions
- You will learn about sending emails
- You will learn Github or version control
- You will learn how to install a WYSIWYG editor
- To install a commenting system / Disqus
- You will learn to create a BULK functionality that you can use the CRUD on it
- You will learn to deploy Laravel on share hosting accounts, like godaddy
- And lots of more cool things