Kubernetes Mastery: Hands-On Lessons From A Docker Captain, Learn the latest Kubernetes features (1.16) and plugins while practicing DevOps workflows, from a container expert
Created by Bret Fisher, Docker Captain Program
What you'll learn
- Learn Kubernetes and cluster tools from an award-winning Docker Captain!
- Lead your team into the future with the latest Kubernetes & container skills!
- Know the right ways to use Kubernetes for proper DevOps workflows
- Understand production K8s topics like rolling updates, healthchecks, and failure recovery
- Know when to use different types of app configuration like args, envs, and ConfigMaps
- Make Kubernetes YAML manifests and deploy using infrastructure-as-code methods
- Requirements
- Know Docker 101: the Docker basics like building and shipping images, and running containers
- Understand terminal or command prompt basics
- Linux basics like shells, SSH, and package managers
- Know the basics of creating a server in the cloud (on any provider)
- Understand the basics of web and database servers (how they typically communicate, IP's, ports, etc.)
- Have a GitHub and Docker Hub account