*NEW* 2020 Build Dynamic Websites with JavaScript - DOM 1, Understand DOM (Document Object Model). Crucial for front end web development. Novice to Pro in easy steps.Course 1 of 2
What you'll learn
- ***Download lectures (for offline viewing)
- What exactly the Document Object Model is
- Why the Document Object Model is so important for web developers
- Learn how your website can come alive with actions, like zitsy changes on clicks, colour wheels, dropdowns, response on form submissions and much more
- Have fun mastering front-end website development
- Build awesome dynamic front-end applications
- Practical - build awesome dynamic front-end applications with me
- How your browser creates a DOM tree
- Become a pro at creating elements in the DOM
- The difference between the DOM, JavaScript and Python
- The different environments of JavaScript
- Parent, Sibling and Children DOM relationships
- The different types of Nodes
- The difference between an HTMLCollection and NodeLists
- How you can find the DOM
- How you can access elements in the DOM
- Master the skill of traversing (walking) up and down the DOM
- How to remove items from the DOM
- Cloning elements in the DOM
- From beginner to expert (advanced +)
- You will emerge an expert
- Gives you depth of knowledge to boost your ability and confidence
- I am here to support you, step-by-step
- The different environments of JavaScript
- Parent, Sibling and Children DOM relationships