The Complete Guide to Advanced React Patterns (2020)

The Complete Guide to Advanced React Patterns (2020)

The Complete Guide to Advanced React Patterns (2020)
The Complete Guide to Advanced React Patterns (2020), Build reusable React components without relying on if statements or more props! Use hooks & trusted advanced patterns!


What you'll learn
  • Understand why design patterns are important and not just relying on if statements and more props
  • You will no longer be or feel like a Junior/Intermediate React Developer
  • Learn by mimicking real world examples by leveraging the popular Medium clap
  • Understand custom hooks deeply. How they work and their invocation order
  • Understand and avoid pitfalls with custom hooks and refs
  • Leverage the compound component pattern to centralise logic within a single parent
  • Understand these patterns explained as to a 5-year old - with detailed illustrations and guides
  • Hate or love CSS, you'll learn to build components whose CSS/styles may be extended as willed
  • Rely on the inversion of control to users of your component via the control props pattern
  • Build relevant custom hooks you could re-use in your day-to-day work
  • Evaluate multiple export strategies/API for your reusable components
  • Bless your component users with ease via prop getters and prop collections
  • Embrace state initializers for setting and resetting internal state within your components
  • Master inversion of control via the state reducer pattern
  • Compare and choose what React pattern is best for your component API

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