React JS: React with Modern Hooks and Context, Learn modern React Hooks and Context with my React Hooks and Context course and leverage your web development skills
What you'll learn
This course is the best way to learn modern React JS and React Hooks and Context
Dive in React JS
Learn how to build single page applications with React JS
Learn components, props, states and component life cycle methods in React JS
Create reusable React Components
Learn modern JavaScript, ES6
Learn to connect to an external API
User Inputs, Forms and Events in React
Routing with React Router
Using React Portals to render Children Outside the DOM Hierarchy
React JS Hooks and Context
React’s modern face is to develop web applications with React Js Hooks and Context
Creating Hooks and Context structures
Creating Hooks and Context structures with explanatory diagrams
What is Context Api and how it is used
Using Context Api and Hooks together
Creating Context with Class Component
Access to Context with Context Type
To manipulate the data in Context
useState, useEffect, useReducer, and useContext hooks
Reducer, action and dispatch concepts and much more
How to use coding techniques to make efficient development
All you need is your computer and you!