The Modern Flexbox, Grid, Sass & Animations Developer Course

The Modern Flexbox, Grid, Sass & Animations Developer Course

The Modern Flexbox, Grid, Sass & Animations Developer Course
The Modern Flexbox, Grid, Sass & Animations Developer Course, Become Legendary in CSS Flexbox, CSS Grid, Sass and Advanced CSS Animations by Building Awesome Real-world WEBSITES


What you'll learn

  • You will learn the basics of CSS Flexbox
  • You will learn the intermediate level of CSS Flexbox
  • You will learn the advanced level of CSS Flexbox
  • You will learn the fundamentals of UI Web Design
  • You will learn the fundamentals of Responsive Web Design
  • You will be able create a portfolio website completely on CSS Flexbox
  • You will learn the basics of CSS Grid
  • You will learn the intermediate level of CSS Grid
  • You will learn the advanced level of CSS Grid
  • You will be able create a villa booking website completely on CSS Grid
  • You will learn how to setup Sass by two methods
  • You will learn all about Sass
  • You will be able create a fitness

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