MERN Stack:React, Socket io, Nextjs, Express,MongoDb, Nodejs, Build & deploy MERN socialMedia- Nextjs, socket io for realTime chat & Notifications, Infinite Scroll, the list goes on.
What you'll learn
Create a complex real-world App that will actually get you a Job. (make sure to check intro video)
Build a full stack complex Social Network app with React, NextJs (for SSR), Express with Node for backend , MongoDb as database.
Socket io for REALTIME CHAT with multiple authenticated users. STORE every message a user sends and receives in MongoDB.
Showing users who are ONLINE on your app.
Receive Messages anywhere inside the app.
REALTIME NOTIFICATIONS whenever someone LIKES or COMMENTS on your posts. Also when someone FOLLOWS you.
Only see the posts of Users you are FOLLOWING on the homepage, just like it happens in big social networks
Create INTERLINKED MongoDB models for storing all the INFO of Users, MESSAGES, NOTIFICATIONS. Learn how big social media companies do this kind of stuff.
Create a root user to delete any post or any comment which he/she finds inappropriate
SEARCH for users inside your Db .
Easily implement INFINITE SCROLL in you app.
Toast Notifications with React-Toastify
FULLY RESPONSIVE Layout for Mobile, Tablet and Desktop Screens.
Modals for posts.
POSTMAN for API testing
RESETTING The Password using Sendgrid and Nodemailer.
CLOUDINARY For Image Uploads
Deployment to Heroku.
Source Code available to download before every section.