 Complete Next.js Developer in 2022: Zero to Mastery

Complete Next.js Developer in 2022: Zero to Mastery

Complete Next.js Developer in 2022: Zero to Mastery

Complete Next.js Developer in 2022: Zero to Mastery Courses, Master NextJS and build enterprise level fullstack ReactJS apps

Instructors by Andrei Neagoie, Ankita Kulkarni, Zero To Mastery,

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What you'll learn

  • Build REAL enterprise level NextJS applications and deploy to production
  • Learn to build reactive, performant, large scale applications like a senior developer
  • Learn the latest features and tools in the NextJS ecosystem including, SWR (React Hooks), Hasura, Serverless Functions, Vercel, Framer Motion + mor
  • Learn the different rendering techniques: static site generation, server side rendering, incremental static regeneration, hydration, etc..
  • Using GraphQL as a NextJS Developer
    Become the top 10% NextJS Developer
    Set up authentication and user accounts (including password-less login!)
    Using Airtable (which is exploding in popularity) to build full stack applications
    Learn about SEO and how to use NextJS to have your applications rank on Google
    Master the latest ecosystem of a NextJS Developer from scratch
    Learn to lead Next JS projects by making good architecture decisions and helping others on your team.

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