 Make an E-Commerce Website with Blazor WebAssembly in .NET 6

Make an E-Commerce Website with Blazor WebAssembly in .NET 6

Make an E-Commerce Website with Blazor WebAssembly in .NET 6

Make an E-Commerce Website with Blazor WebAssembly in .NET 6m Learn how to build an E-Commerce Website with Blazor WebAssembly, a Web API, Entity Framework Core & SQL Server Express, NET 6. Learn how to build an E-Commerce Website with Blazor WebAssembly, a Web API, Entity Framework Core & SQL Server Express. Created by . NET 6 course? In this online class, we'll create an online e-commerce application that uses .NET 6. and WebAssembly from Blazor.



What you'll learn  Make an E-Commerce Website with Blazor WebAssembly in .NET 6 Full Stack

  • Build a full stack Blazor WebAssembly application by the example of an E-Commerce Website
  • Create a Walking Skeleton with .NET, Blazor WebAssembly, a Web API, Entity Framework Core & SQL Server right at the beginning
  • Implement Best Practices with Generics, Data-Transfer-Objects (DTOs) and the Repository Pattern
  • Build several features of an E-Commerce App, like Search, Pagination, Featured Products, a Cart (local & database), Orders and many more
  • Implement Authentication with JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
  • Use Role-Based Authorization for Administrators & Customers
  • Use Code-First Migration with Entity Framework Core & SQL Server
  • Implement Payment with Stripe Checkout providing Credit Card, Apple Pay & Google Pay
  • Create a Custom Layout for your Blazor WebAssembly Application
  • Implement Administration Features with all CRUD operations to Create, Read, Update & Delete your Products



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